Prevention and Treatment of Piles

May 30 , 2017



Prevention and Treatment of Piles

Prevention and Treatment of Piles (Hemorrhoids)

Piles (hemorrhoids) or commonly known as bawasir in Hindi, refers to the unpleasant inflammation of the blood vessels in the anal area.  Piles also known as pathological hemorrhoids lead to much pain, itchiness in the anal area, loss of blood and can also result in other complications such as anemia, strangulated hemorrhoids and even gangrene (death of tissue) in the most severe of cases. Thus, the prevention and the cure/treatment of piles is of prime importance and should not be ignored.

Piles (hemorrhoids) are caused due to strain in the lower rectum area. This might be due to lifestyle disorders, obesity, pregnancy, sitting on the pot for long bouts of time, unhealthy diet and so on and henceforth. Thus, the cardinal rule which one would keep in mind for preventing piles is to opt for a healthy lifestyle and to reduce the strain on the lower rectum area.

Note- In most cases, piles (hemorrhoids) do not need any treatment. However, in 10% of the cases (according to recent statistics), treatment and even surgery might be required to get rid of the hemorrhoids.


Piles (hemorrhoids) are caused due to strain in the lower rectum area.


Prevention of Piles

Now that we have understood the causes of this rather deadly disease, let us now understand in detail some of the precautions that we can take against piles. The following are some of the more important precautions that we can take-

A Healthy Diet- A diet which is rich in fiber (fruits and vegetables, cereals and so on and henceforth) is considered to be healthy and prevents against piles.  A higher water intake, per day, is also crucial for fighting piles.

Body Weight- Reducing body weight to fight against piles is a magnificent idea, as it reduces the stress on the lower rectum and thus leads to a fall in the severity of the hemorrhoids.

A Healthy Lifestyle- A sustainable lifestyle is essential in treating piles. Lesser stress, a healthy diet, adequate sleep and physical exercise is crucial for mitigating against piles.

Avoid straining of the Lower Rectum -  Refrain from using the toilet from long periods. This results in additional strain exerted on the lower rectum area. Thus, going through the mail on your phone, reading a book or a newspaper while sitting on the pot is a bad idea if you want to mitigate against piles.

Avoid Laxatives- Laxatives, in general, should be avoided as they disrupt normal bowel movements and add to the stress exerted in the lower rectum area. Thus, it is a good idea that you avoid consuming laxatives on a regular basis to mitigate against piles.


Reducing body weight to fight against piles is a magnificent idea


Treatments for Piles

The treatment of piles can be of many types- allopathic and ayurvedic being the most popular choices. In the most severe of cases, the hemorrhoids need to be removed by surgery. However, if the grade of hemorrhoid is of lower grade or is nascent, allopathic and ayurvedic cures can treat them.

While the allopathic medicines have many a negative side effect, ayurvedic cures have relatively fewer or negligible side effects. Add to this the fact that ayurvedic cures over time have become more effective and efficient. Ayurvedic cures should thus, be the choice of medicine for one and all.

One such drug is Amroid tablets and syrup (Ayurvedic Cure for Piles) which has been developed out of a direct result of cutting-edge science and age-old ayurvedic cures. The drug is a comprehensive dual therapy that fulfills all objectives of Ist & IInd degree hemorrhoid management. It helps in the effective and efficient healing of hemorrhoids and also mitigates against its recurrence. Not only does the medicine fight blood loss through stool but also treats itchiness, pain, and soring in the anal area.


Amroid tablets and syrup (Ayurvedic Cure for Piles) which has been developed out of a direct result of cutting-edge science and age-old ayurvedic cures



Some of the advantages of this drug are as follows-

  • Provides complete and comprehensive management in 1st and 2nd-degree piles

  • A supportive therapy in 3 and 4-degree piles

  • An adjunct therapy for pre and postoperative management

  • Helps prevents recurrence in postoperative cases, regulates bowel movement

  • Helps in reducing itchiness, pain, and soring in the anal area

Thus, one can easily state that Amroid (Tablets and Syrup) are a powerful drug which helps fight piles (hemorrhoids). Doctors highly recommend the drug which has been used successfully by lakhs of patients all across the country.

Click on the link below to know more about Amroid.

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