Precautions to be taken by a Diabetic Patient

May 17 , 2017



Precautions to be taken by a Diabetic Patient

Precautions to be taken by a Diabetic Patient

Diabetes Mellitus or commonly referred to as diabetes is a deadly disease which affects millions of people all over the world. According to the International Diabetes Foundation, this figure in 2017, is somewhere around 450 million which constitutes around 8.5 percent of the entire adult population in the world.

Diabetes is caused due to high blood sugar levels over prolonged periods of time. Its cause being the reduction or the cessation of production of insulin by the pancreas.  It also happens due to the cells in our body not reacting to the insulin produced or in the case of increased blood sugar levels in pregnant women with a history of diabetes.

The main root source of diabetes is mostly due to the kind of lifestyle that we lead. Long hours of work, less physical exercise, increased intake of tobacco and alcohol and an unhealthy diet is how most of our lives are characterized in this day and age. To not be a victim of this deadly disease and a suit of other related diseases, we have compiled a list of all the precautions that you can take to control and mitigate against diabetes (diabetes mellitus).


Diabetes Mellitus or commonly referred to as diabetes is a deadly disease


Diet for Diabetes -

Restricting or controlling your diet is one of the most important steps for taking precaution against diabetes. Our diets nowadays are characterized by eating pre-packaged and processed unhealthy foods while we reduce our consumption of healthy and unadulterated food items. The following are some of the food items which we should include in our diet to mitigate against diabetes.


  • High fiber cereals
  • Fresh seafood and organically raised chicken
  • Nuts, olive oil, flax seeds and avocadoes
  • Foods high in protein (Eggs, beans yogurts etc.)
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables as colorful as possible


Fresh fruits and vegetables as colorful as possible


Note- Consuming the whole fruit is considered to be healthier as compared to having an extract. Example- Try having a fresh orange as compared to a glass of orange juice it will be better for your health.

Some of the food items that you avoid in your precautionary diabetes diet are as follows-

  • Avoid having foods with Trans-fat or deep-fried foods such as French fries or burgers
  • Avoid eating excessively any red meats
  • Reduce having pre-packaged and fast foods
  • Minimize the intake of sugary sodas and carbonated drinks
  • Lessen the consumption of white bread, all kinds of pasta, rice and so on and henceforth


Avoid having foods with Trans-fat or deep-fried foods such as French fries or burgers


Thus, the main ruling principle that one needs to keep in mind is to go for a mixed and a healthy diet in the right proportions.  Many doctors and nutritionists advise against carbs and sugar but if consumed in the right proportions accompanied with a healthy diet is not bad as thought of by most people.

Exercise -

As much diet control is essential for taking precaution against diabetes, so is physical exercise on a day to day basis. Exercising on a regular basis helps reduce body fat. Reducing 8-10% of your body fat is a good idea if you want to control this deadly disease (depending upon your BMI).

Particular emphasis is to be given to ab exercises as it helps in reducing abdominal fat which increases resistance to the insulin produced in your body.

Most of us know the importance of physical exercise but don't follow it up with action due to our work-life imbalances and at times being purely lazy. It is of prime importance that we focus on our bodies, reduce fat and increase our metabolism to head towards a longer, sustainable and a healthier life.


Exercising on a regular basis helps reduce body fat


Avoid the Intake of Tobacco-

Another important precaution to mitigate against diabetes is to cease the intake of tobacco and related products. The excessive consumption of it only leads to an increase in diabetes-related complications such as -

  • Kidney damage
  • Nerve damage
  • Reduction in blood flow
  • Heart Stroke
  • Blindness/eye diseases and so on and henceforth.

The consumption of tobacco not only increases the chances of diabetes but also leads to a suit of other damaging health problems as mentioned above. So try and stay away from tobacco as much as possible.

Thus, in conclusion, we need to mitigate against diabetes through a healthy diet, increased physical exercising and reduction in the consumption of tobacco among other things.


Avoid the Intake of Tobacco


NOTE- There are also some ayurvedic medicines in the market which helps regulate blood glucose levels and help you in control your diabetes.  For more information click on the following link.

Helps regulate blood glucose levels and help you in control your diabetes

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